Vertical Facilitator Learning Journey
Level Two: Deep Dive
The Vertical Facilitator Deep Dive now presents to those who complete the course, ICAgile’s CVF (“Certified Vertical Facilitator”). We are proud to partner with ICAgile in offering this industry standard of recognition and accomplishment.
Vertical Facilitation is a body of skills, tools, and distinctions by which coaches, leaders, and facilitators can expand the depth of learning they bring to the work they do with teams and groups.
It addresses the question which many coaches and facilitators have--especially those who have been personally moved by deep transformative learning experiences they themselves have had--which is: How can I bring about transformative (vertical) learning experiences for the teams and groups I work with, and the workshops I lead?
In the Vertical Facilitator Warm-up, you are exposed to the big ideas and some of the main distinctions and competencies of vertical facilitation. But here the presentation is conceptual and informational in nature.
In the Deep Dive, you actually grow for yourself a depth of practice and capacity to embody the distinctions and competencies of vertical facilitation. In this sense, the Deep Dive is experiential and transformational in nature.
You will leave the Deep Dive with mastery in the art and practice of facilitating transformative change in the teams and groups you work with.
This course has been nothing short of transformative. Vertical Facilitation represents the answer to something I only now understand I was looking for: a more impactful way of 'coaching' and a way to react (or 'be'🙂) in moments that I sometimes recognized but did not know how to handle.”
— Jasper Verdooren
What You Can Expect from Your Participation in the Deep Dive…
A deep insight into the nature of vertical learning and human development.
An ability to see beyond people’s ‘personalities’ into the deeper meaning-making that governs how they are showing up
An ability to ask questions, state observations, and offer feedback in ways that generate “disorienting dilemmas”
A capacity to project a space of genuine acceptance and compassion that empowers emotional risk-taking in group settings.
A greater awareness of your own meaning-making constitution, and of the inner distortions they most often generate.
An ability to witness, understand, and work constructively with group interactions and group dynamics.
An ability to leverage conflict as a basis for catalyzing profound insights for individuals and groups.
An ability to create workshop and facilitated event designs that are deliberately developmental.
A confidence in your ability to catalyze moments of transformative insight in all manner of situations in which you are leaderfully engaged.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn ICAgile’s (International Consortium for Agile) CVF certification in Vertical Facilitation, a globally respected recognition of achievement.
What Your Organization Can Expect Out of Your Participation in the Deep Dive
Out of your participation in The Vertical Facilitator Deep Dive, you will help the individuals, teams and groups you work with grow their capacity for wise and effective action in the face of uncertain and complex situations and circumstances—a key advantage for any organization that must operate effectively in today’s inherently complex and unpredictable world.
Toward this end, you will help people, both individually and collectively:
Grow their capacity for greater personal ownership, accountability and responsibility. This translates into greater reliability and alignment with organizational purpose and direction.
Develop better thinking and sense-making approaches to the specific kinds of complex problems they face.
Increase their capacity for self-awareness and self-management so that they are less reactive and more constructive in their interactions with others, and in their encounters with difficult and challenging situations.
Increase individuals’ ability to think outside the box.
Grow their capacity to manage their emotional anxiety so that there is less fear and hesitance in their actions and decision-making processes.
Better manage the interpersonal conflicts and interrelational dysfunctions that impede their capacity for wise and collective action and collaboration. Effective relating with others is increasingly seen as the major determinative for organizational high performance in today’s complex and ever-changing world.
Grow their capacity for clearer and more effective communication and interaction, thus enabling and empowering greater collaboration and collective sensemaking.
The Deep Dive far exceeded even my lofty expectations. I was able to examine some patterns in myself that were holding me back from being a much more impactful and transformational facilitator as well as overall leader. I was so impressed by the course that I recommended it to one of the coaches on my team. The impact to him as been nothing short of amazing. His self-awareness has skyrocketed, and along with his effectiveness as a coach and facilitator.”
— Steve Bauer

Steps in the Unfolding of the Program
In the first session, we begin by establishing a foundation for us as a cohort. We will also take a deep dive into adult development and the Action Logic framework, and will introduce the Leadership Development Profile, which each participant will work with between this session and the 3-Day Intensive (described below).
You will complete your personal Leadership Development Profile (LDP), a vertical leadership instrument that will play a significant part in the unfolding of deep developmental self-awareness. The process includes a 1-1 debrief session with a course leaders.
During this 4 week period, you will develop elements of your Vertical Facilitation Design Project, with feedback from your course leaders and from other members of your cohort.
During this session, you will begin to get your arms around the 13 key practices of Vertical Facilitation. You will participate in a set of activities in which you see these in practice.
You will also explore the implications of your own developmental landscape, and begin to come to grips with your own particular gifts and challenges as they apply to vertical facilitation.
During this 4 week period, we will have two practice sessions during you will get feedback on your project and get practice in key areas of vertical facilitation.
During the Intensive we engage in a combination of informational and highly experiential sessions in which you engage with, and practice, all aspects of vertical facilitation, including your most important tool: Your Self. The Intensive is, in many ways, the heart and soul of the program.
During the Intensive, you will also initiate a Vertical Facilitation Design Project, in which you will design (and possibly facilitate) a small workshop or other kind of vertical facilitation intervention over the course of the weeks between the Intensive and the Completion session.
During this session we will share our deepest learnings, and celebrate both the triumphs and belly flops of our projects. You will also have an opportunity to look at what’s next for you in your vertical facilitation journey.
Finally, we will celebrate our accomplishment—both as individuals and as a cohort!
Details of the Deep Dive
Here are session-by-session details of the course…
Your Course Leader
Michael Hamman is dedicated to the possibility that the workplace be a site for personal, professional and social transformation. Trained in the 1980s in coaching and large group facilitation, Michael went on to train in systems thinking and methods, group dynamics and facilitation, professional and executive coaching, and in human and organization development. He is a decades-long student of the nature of human transformation, both in himself and in others.
His book, Evolvagility: Growing an Agile Leadership Culture from the Inside Out integrates this rich and varied background and experience, and provides a blueprint for what it means to be an agile leader in today’s complex world.
He is Founder and Chief Transformation Office at The Vertical Facilitator Academy.
Other Course Leaders include Lyssa Adkins and Ewan O’Leary.
The Vertical Facilitator Deep Dive deepened my understanding of myself—my way of understanding my surroundings, my being more intentional about my interactions, and my closer connection to my sense of purpose and my place in the world. I have a far greater insight into how I present myself to those I interact with, and a stronger sense of comfort and confidence in how I engage in interactions.”
— John Belge
the insights and skills I’m gaining are already shaping my coaching techniques, leading to more nuanced and effective approaches to facilitating development and growth for my clients and myself.”
— Ti Mougne
The most impressive training I have ever had in my entire life.”
— Oksana Slivinskaya

Our intention is that anyone who wishes to participate in this course not be constrained financially. If you are unemployed, under-employed, or are constrained by not being able to obtain funding from your employer, you can register through the Supported payment option. Tuition can be paid up-front or in 2 installments (contact Michael Hamman for other payment arrangements).
Option 1 (Regular Price) $1,975.00USD
Option 2 (Supported) $1,400.00USD
Contact Michael for other possible payment arrangements.
What’s included in your tuition:
Live virtual sessions (a total of 26 contact hours)
Your personal Leadership Development Profile + small group Debrief (with Michael Hamman)
Inter-session community activity with comments, feedback, and further instruction from course leaders
A powerful and empowering community container that will support your development and learning in this program.
A wealth of materials, including recordings and papers.
Lifetime access to recordings of all sessions after completion of the program.
Life-time access to events and substantive follow-up materials.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive your certificate badge from ICAgile.
Schedule for Next Deep Dive Cohort
Session #1: Apr 15, 9am - 12noon US ET / 15 - 18 CET
Session #2: Apr 29, 9am - 12noon US ET / 15 - 18 CET
Intensive: May 13, 14, 15 , 9am - 2pm US ET / 15 - 20 CET
Practicum #1: May 27, 9am - 11am US ET / 15 - 17 CET
Practicum #2: June 10, 9am - 11am US ET / 15 - 17 CET
Completion: June 24, 9am - 11am US ET / 15 - 17 CET